Jasper Baric Noiles, 2007 - 2025

Jasper completed his grand adventure on Friday, January 17th 2025.

I don't think I'm capable of writing something that describes just how unique and special this boy is to us. I wish I could honour him better, but these words strung together are all I have.

He came to us at 4 months old in the fall of 2007 when we were really just babies ourselves. He taught us what it meant to love and care for someone who was solely dependent on us. His head was too big for his body, he was rambunctious and had stumpy little legs. Our first emergency vet call came soon after as he inhaled a chocolate chip cookie. We feared he was in serious danger but a little throw up while lying on daddy made him all better. We learned nothing was safe below counter height that day. Knowing we couldn't keep up with his antics alone, we went on the hunt for a friend. Soon after, he was introduced to a lanky and awkward cocker spaniel we would name Ginger. She was exactly what he needed and a lasting bond was formed.

Jasper would eventually grow into his head, and develop a luxurious fox tail but his little stumpy legs stayed the same. He had an adorable walk and run and definitely believed himself to be much larger than he was. He was independent and fearless. The dog park fell by the wayside after he challenged a few too many greyhounds and huskies. He loved nothing more than to escape mommy and daddy and run into strangers' homes. He loved vets and happily followed their lead while wagging his tail (even after experiencing his first major surgery at the age of 1).

Over the years we were treated to his keen sense of awareness and intelligence - he would often humour us by obeying our requests, but it was only because HE wanted to. He loved diving head first into the snow and 'snooting' it up. He loved tugging and chasing a ball, though he was not keen on 'let go'. He loved to bite our hands through blankets which we lovingly referred to as playing 'blankies'. He loved walking the entire perimeter of his kingdom whether that was a 2-bedroom apartment, a little cottage, a small duplex, a tiny fenced yard at his first house or the great 'hills' at his retirement home. He never seemed to tire. He did all of these things even at 16 years old.

He fought many ailments over the years with spirit and strength and never lost his spark. Time finally started to catch up in October 2023 and he had to slow down. We knew he still had a zest for life so we spent the last year and a half loving him to the fullest and filling in where his little body failed, even substituting walks with wagon rides when his stubby little legs could no longer carry him. On Friday, despite our best efforts (and believe me we tried) we were no longer enough and we had to set our baby free.

He means more to us than words could ever describe. He was our boy, our friend.
I'm not sure how we will navigate this world without him, but we will carry his memory until we meet again. Thank you for everything, bub.

Jasper Baric Noiles July 9th 2007 - January 17th 2025, the GOAT.

p.s. I hope he's running with Ginger and stealing her toys (she didn't mind).


As a pet owner, you have the special responsibility of making aftercare choices on your pet's behalf. Working together with your veterinary clinic, we will gently guide you through the process of making cremation arrangements that are fitting for you and your pet.

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